-20 %

Made of neoprene (foam rubber). From the name itself, it follows that water falls under the suit, but, having got there first, it almost never comes out in the future. The material of the costume provides thermal insulation due to the presence of air bubbles. It is important to understand that the water falling under the suit, of course, cannot be a heat insulator. The better the suit sits, the less water circulation under it, the less body heat is spent on heating a new, cold portion of water.For underwater diving, suits of different thicknesses are used, which depend on the conditions of diving: suits in warm water use suits 3-5 mm thick, and in cold water up to 11 mm thick. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that with an increase in depth, neoprene suits, under the influence of external pressure, become thinner, as a result of which the thermal insulation worsens and the intrinsic buoyancy of the suit decreases, the lack of which must be compensated by blowing the vest. Dry suits are free from the above disadvantages, however, they require air (or argon) to be blown into the undersuit space to compensate for crimping.